OHVA continues to be top-scoring state-wide eSchool in Ohio; School's Performance Index Score jumps up 8 points
Herndon, VA – Strong test scores posted by students at the Ohio Virtual Academy (OHVA) helped move the eSchool from Continuous Improvement to an
Effective School ranking on their annual report card – the second highest level that can be awarded to public schools in Ohio.
For the fourth year in a row, the Ohio Virtual Academy is the top-scoring state-wide eSchool in Ohio. OHVA is also the first and only state-wide eSchool in Ohio to receive the
Effective School ranking by the Ohio Department of Education.
Effective School ranking was a result of a number of academic achievements by the school, including a Performance Index Score that improved from 82 in 2004-05 to 90 this year. The performance index measure rewards the achievement of every tested student, not just those who score proficient or higher. Schools and districts earn points based on how well each student does on all tested subjects in grades 3-8 and the Ohio Graduation Test.
The Ohio Virtual Academy had a 99.7% participation rate in the state tests. This is consistent with OHVA's long-standing commitment to a high level of accountability. The school had a participation rate of 98% in 2005; 99% in 2004; and 100% in 2003. A strong participation rate in a statewide public eSchool is noteworthy because public eSchools do not have traditional facilities where students attend daily classes and take state tests.
Commenting on the report card, Susan Stagner, Head of School for the Ohio Virtual Academy, said, “Our administrators, teachers, parents and students are all very proud to be designated by the Ohio Department of Education as an
Effective School. It is a credit to everyone in our school family who worked so hard to achieve this level of success.”
Stacia DeRaedt, a member of the Ohio Virtual Academy board of directors and parent of OHVA students said, “The Ohio Virtual Academy continues to demonstrate that it is the best eSchool in the state and one of Ohio's most successful public schools. Our school was founded on a commitment to academic excellence, strong accountability, and building a high level of trust and satisfaction from parents. Over four years we have done just that. As we move forward, we will continue to focus on the individual needs of each student and continue to make the Ohio Virtual Academy, as our motto states, a school where parents, teachers and kids work hard and together.”
Accountability and Academic Achievement:
The Ohio Virtual Academy is a public school with a strong record of accountability and academic achievement:
- OHVA student attendance has averaged 98% or higher for every year of operation.
- OHVA just completed a successful 3-year ODE Special Education Focused Monitor Review.
- OHVA's charter sponsor (Ohio Council of Community Schools) audits, in each year of operation, have found the school in full compliance of state charter school law.
- In 2005-06, the Ohio Virtual Academy met NCLB goals in academic proficiency in every grade and subject, in attendance rates, and in testing participation. Due to proficiency in two sub-aggregate categories, OHVA just missed meeting overall AYP this year. OHVA met overall AYP in its first two years.
- In all four years of the school's operation, over 95% of parents positively expressed their satisfaction with the performance of school and the K12 curriculum.
About the Ohio Virtual Academy
The Ohio Virtual Academy is a statewide public community eSchool.
OHVA serves a diverse cross-section of the Ohio population with students who reside in all but one county in the state. In the 2005-06 school year, 41% of OHVA families were identified as “Economically Disadvantaged” as defined by the Federal low-income guidelines.
Approximately 60% of the students were former traditional public school students; 28% were former home-schooled students; and 12% were former private school students. This year, almost 50% of incoming OHVA students started below grade level in one or more core subjects (Math and Language Arts).
OHVA employs 89 teachers who are certified in the grades they teach and hold the designation of Highly Qualified Teacher, per the NCLB guidelines.
The Ohio Virtual Academy began operations in 2002-03. Since then the school has grown substantially and is expected to serve over 3,500 students in grades K-11 in September 2006. OHVA is the second largest public community school in Ohio. OHVA uses the nationally acclaimed curriculum provided by K12 Inc.--a leading provider of high quality education products and services to school across the country. OHVA is chartered by the Ohio Council of Community Schools.
More information can be found at www.ohva.org.