HERNDON, Va., May 7, 2014—Personalized learning solutions provider Fuel Education™ today announced it is expanding its comprehensive portfolio of more than 500 unique online and blended courses and titles for pre-K through 12th grade with more than 25 new additions for the 2014-2015 school year.
Fuel Education’s catalog now features multiple new math courses for middle and high school students, new electives designed to promote career readiness, as well as the recently announced mobile, standards-aligned FuelEd Middle School curriculum. Each course or title has been developed in full alignment with the Common Core State Standards, as well as other state and national standards.
Fuel Education’s new middle and high school math courses for blended and/or full-time learning include:
- Algebra, Geometry, and Fundamentals of Algebra and Geometry – Fundamentals of Algebra and Geometry provides students enhanced computational and problem-solving skills while learning topics in algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. Pre-Algebra provides students a broader look at computational and problem-solving skills while learning the language of algebra, and Algebra enables students to deepen their computational and problem-solving fluency through topics in linear relationships, functions, and geometry.
- Developmental Algebra and Continuing Algebra for high school – This two-year algebra sequence, that begins with an exploration of the tools and principles of algebra is designed to provide students completing these two courses with a deep understanding of Algebra I.
- Algebra I Extended Learning for high school – Students are able to master working with and evaluating mathematical expressions, equations, graphs, and other topics, with an emphasis on real-world applications throughout this year-long course. Unlike a traditional Algebra course, this course uses adaptive learning technology and contains a built-in diagnostic to assess foundational pre-algebra skills, and provides instruction targeting any gaps in prerequisite skills. After these learning gaps are addressed and tested, algebra instruction is presented. If mastery is not achieved following core instruction, alternative activities are presented to improve comprehension.
- Integrated Mathematics I, II and III for high school – In these three courses, which are aligned to the Integrated Pathway for Mathematics as defined in the Common Core State Standards, students learn about linear and simple exponential models, followed by irrational and complex numbers and quadratic polynomials, and then learn how to integrate all of these concepts in the third course.

“Mathematics is so closely tied to overall student success that educators now regard Algebra I as a key predictor of high school success, and Algebra II as key predictor for work, college, and career success even further down the road,” said David Pelizzari, Vice President of Curriculum.
“We are happy to offer new paths to mathematics success for middle school and high school students—paced in different ways and scaffolded to support an even wider range of students, from those with the greatest skills to those needing the most reinforcement, review, and support. These fresh offerings are aligned with the new standards and more sophisticated assessments associated with Common Core State Standards and many state standards, offering high quality course choices for every type of student.”
Also new for the coming school year is 7 new high school electives designed to engage teenagers and promote exploration of their career interests. New electives include Careers in Criminal Justice, Introduction to Agriscience, Public Speaking, Early Childhood Education, and Entrepreneurship. In addition, many electives previously available for blended programs are now available for full-time programs.
As previously announced, the catalog also features FuelEd Online Courses for Middle School, the standards-aligned curriculum designed for students as they transition through the “make or break” years, available on a wide variety of platforms and devices such as the iPad®, Chromebook™ and Android™.
New courses designed for blended learning are also integrated into PEAK™, Fuel Education’s Personalized Learning Platform, which makes it easy for districts to integrate and manage all of their online learning programs in one place. In addition, teachers can easily customize the courses with resources available in the PEAK Library, which includes more than 5,500 supplemental lessons and assessments plus content from third-party partners such as Britannica School®, and open educational resources such as Khan Academy® and YouTube® Education.
All of Fuel Education’s courses, including core, foundational, honors, AP®, world languages and credit recovery courses, can be found in Course Finder in the Curriculum section of the company’s web site.
About Fuel Education
Fuel Education™ partners with school districts to fuel personalized learning and transform the education experience inside and outside the classroom. The company provides innovative solutions for pre-K through12th grade that empower districts to implement successful online and blended learning programs. Its open, easy-to-use Personalized Learning Platform, PEAK™, enables teachers to customize courses using their own content, FuelEd courses and titles, third-party content, and open educational resources. Fuel Education offers the industry’s largest catalog of digital curriculum, certified instruction, professional development, and educational services. FuelEd has helped 2,000 school districts to improve student outcomes and better serve diverse student populations. To learn more, visit getfueled.com and Twitter.
©2014 Fuel Education LLC. All rights reserved. Fuel Education, FuelEd, and PEAK are trademarks of Fuel Education LLC or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Beth Halloran